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Welcome new and renewing PPFA members!

Sheila Pursglove

PPFA CONNECT editor Certification Board liaison
Forum Help Team
A big welcome to these new members in the USA:
William Greenlaw and Sheila Peterson, Artists Edge; Cynthia Stasiewicz, Frame and Art Shop; Larry Waggoner, Waggoner Art and Frame; Peter Molin, Framing Success/Herff Jones; Ben Osborn, Charleston Frames; Wendy Kreiss; and Aleksandra Doncheva.

A huge thanks to these members from Australia, Canada, and the USA, for renewing their PPFA membership:
James Bloom, James A. Bloom Associates; Robin Gentry; Fran Gray; Barry Kaufman, Cali Framing Supplies; Mark Klostermeyer, Design Frames; Don Taylor, Taylor's Art; David Wareham, Artist Supplies & Products; Bethany Campbell, Artistic Picture Framing; Janeen Junson, Artists Emporium; Janine Buechner, Blue Moon Framery; Raymond Sweeney, Crooked Halo/Frames By You; Randy Davis, Davis Picture Framing; Siobhan Muenk, FRAME San Francisco; Sarah Eyre, Michael's #1155; Alan Hoffman, Skeenagraphics; Christopher and Paul Rojik and Paula Gannon, Frame Gallery Inc.; Charles Sandercock, Summit Frameworks; Michael McKay and Alexandra Cirulis, Art Cellar Gallery & Framemakers; Lisa and Thomas Tansey, Premier Gallery; Myrna Dow, Desert Frameworks; Robert Gulf, Knollwood Art Frames; Mark Wallenfang, Shooting Star Photo & Custom Framing; Ames Cyrway, The Framemakers; Sarah Rennie, All Four Corners; Jean Stryker, Elizabeth Boswell, Georgia Harden, Julie Miller, Alex Moore, John Nelson, and Josh Tripoli, Blackbird Frame & Art.