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Tips for completing the Competition Description Form:

Sheila Pursglove

PPFA CONNECT editor Certification Board liaison
Forum Help Team
The clock is ticking on the 2018-19 PPFA International PRINT and OPEN Framing Competition! The deadline to submit digital images is September 15—and winners will send their framed entries to January’s PPFA Convention at the West Coast Art & Frame Expo in Vegas.

Visit www.ppfa.com for information, and to purchase the PRINT piece, a digitally printed canvas, “Waterfront I,” created by James Burghardt, provided and printed by Studio EL, Emeryville Calif.

Tips from the Competition Board for completing the Description Form:

The Digital Competition has an online Submission Form (Description Form) that must be fully completed.

Complete a written Description Form hard copy at the same time as completing the Digital Submission (Description) Form as you will need to ship the hard copy if advancing to the finals. You will need BOTH.

The OBJECTIVE is the approach to the design stated on the Description Form. Make sure your objective is clearly stated. A well-thought-out and clearly stated objective will go a long way to increasing the point total awarded.

The objective—or overall intent—is yours, not the judge's. A judge doesn't have to agree with your objective but needs to understand the reasoning behind it in order to award points for meeting or not meeting a stated objective.

While the Description Form says "Be Specific", don't get carried away with details. The judges are much more interested in your customization and the use of preservation quality materials than they are in manufacturer stock numbers or the specific size of screws or wire used.

Do not list the name of any persons or business completing outside work, e.g. John Smith, my co-worker: John Smith, photographer: John Smith, artist; or mention a local distributor by name. Instead say a local artist, photographer, co-worker, or local distributor. Any names WILL disqualify your entry.

Need help? Email competition@ppfa.com.
Don't let the summer slip away without getting ready for the OPEN or PRINT Competition! Deadline to register is September 15 but you piece needs to be finished by then to take the photos and enter the Description details. The PRINT is available in the Bookstore, www.PPFA.com and the OPEN is framers choice! If you have a cool piece you are working on or have ever wanted to do for yourself this is a great opportunity to get the piece completed. Questions? contact competition@ppfa.com