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It's A FrameFeast in Virginia!

Ellen Collins MCPF

PPFA Vice President
Master Certified Picture Framer®
Hagerstown, MD; you've driven by here
Because framers love to see new stuff, get together, learn things and EAT! National Capital Chapter is hosting a FrameFeast on October 16 at the Sunset Hills Montessori School, 11180 Ridge Heights Rd in Reston Virginia. This is convenient to the Dulles Toll Road, so it is east to get to.

There will be table top displays by our vendors, both those well-known in the region as well as perhaps-new-to-you ones.

There are ongoing free hands-on demos to allow you to learn by doing. You can learn French lines taught by Meghan MacMillan, MCPF; Fabric-wrapped mats by Sara Applegate, MCPF; and Canvas stretching by Roger Collins.

And, there will be a catered buffet lunch, with a speaker, all included in the admission!

All of this for a mere $20 per person for members or $30 per person for non-members. To sign up contact us at 800-899-5410 or at PPFA4DCMDVA@aol.com. For more information, contact Meghan MacMillan at 443-602-0938.