• Welcome to the Framer's Corner Forum, hosted by the Professional Picture Framers Association. (PPFA)
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Introduction to Framers Corner

Barbara Schaeffer

New participant
Key Largo, FL
Plato's Pause
Hello, I am Barbara Schaeffer, CPF, owner of Plato's Pause in Key Largo, FL. I first joined PPFA in 1988 and have belonged ever since. I am just trying this out to see if/how it works. I had an extremely hard time getting registered and still don't trust it.
Welcome to the Corner!

Sorry you had some difficulties.
Everything will be fine when you get used to it.
The registration process has some hurdles, that most don't see, that are designed to minimize spammers and hackers.

Now that your here, dive in!

I'd like to be among the first to welcome you to the new Framer's Corner.

I checked out your account profile, and it looks like everything is in order.

There are 432 registered participants, as of this post. The new forum was launched on Valentine's day.

We look forward to your participation and input.

Best regards,

Dear Barb, Welcome and I'll make you a bet I can have more trouble and mess up more parts of "social networking" than you can. Are we on? Les Martin, Hanover. Pa