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A warm welcome

Mike Labbe

Forum Administrator
Forum Help Team
Lincoln, RI
Get The Picture
Welcome to the new Framer's Corner forum.

Don't be shy to ask, if you have questions about the new software.

I think you'll find it to be very easy to use, and feature packed.
I think the you need to find a way to teach us to take some of the burden.
I still don't know how to look up users.
Approve users.
any of that.

The looks is quite good!

Mary asked for a committee forum. We should give her one.

David, Do you want forums for your committees? I'm thinking a private Guidelines forum could be quite useful?
Mary asked for a committee forum. We should give her one.

David, Do you want forums for your committees? I'm thinking a private Guidelines forum could be quite useful?

MY committees. Goodness that sounds so important!

Sure, why don't we set up forums for:

Guidelines Task Force
Certification Committee
Chapter Relations Committee

Will there be a forum for board members?

Are you the committee chair for each of those? If not, which are yours? I can add this for ya today.

We will need the committee chair to be registered, before we can add any of these special forums. We will then set them as the moderator, right when the forum is created.

I'd prefer that committee forum requests come right from the chairs, and for a list of (registered) folks they want added. This will reduce miscommunication, errors, or possibly someone requesting access to a place they don't belong. For these to be utilized, I really think the chairperson has to be the one directly involved. (and that they make the decision to use it for their group) It's a great resource, and I hope they use it. But I realize some may prefer to communicate instead by telephone or email.

Does this make sense?

Ha Jim!

Yes, I'd like a forum as long as something funny happens on my way there.. ;)

Consumer Awareness Committee < yes, please!

We have a closed "group" on fb but it has lost functionality.

Question 1. Will recent posts to private forums show to those forum members in their 'Newest Posts' sidebar?
That would be best!

Also, if all committee members are checking in often to FC for committee input, the overall interaction on here will skyrocket.

Question 2. Can sub committees be added within the particular forum or will a new forum need to be created? (ok with the later but hopeful)
Yes, I'd like a forum as long as something funny happens on my way there.. ;)

Consumer Awareness Committee < yes, please!

Hi Mary

I'll consider this your official request, and will set it up for you this afternoon. :)

You will see it on the list of private conferences. You will be the ONLY person who sees it, so please confirm when you do.

I will be setting it so no one from the forum's staff has access, including myself. The moderators cannot see the contents of your forum. (we would have to add ourselves to that forum to do so, and this is not something we would do)

Once your committee joins and registers, let us know privately. We will then add the registered members that you, and only you, specify.

As moderator of your own forum, you'll have the ability to modify or delete posts (of yours, or even other people) that are beyond the 60 minute editing rule. You'll be able to erase messages (yours or others). I doubt that you will need to do these things, but I am just telling you to explain why you see some additional options at the bottom of posts. (within your section only)

Question 1. Will recent posts to private forums show to those forum members in their 'Newest Posts' sidebar?
That would be best!

Also, if all committee members are checking in often to FC for committee input, the overall interaction on here will skyrocket.

Question 2. Can sub committees be added within the particular forum or will a new forum need to be created? (ok with the later but hopeful)

1) Recent Consumer Awareness Committee posts WILL appear within the yellow boxes, to the right of the main menu. However, only members of your forum will be presented with them. Regular members won't see those posts in their list, nor will they even realize the forum exists. I am setting it not to appear in the list of conferences, for non members of that committee. (the list would otherwise be too long, with all of these private forums) :smile:

2) Sub committee forums CAN be added below committee forums, if desired. No problem! This is something that the main committee chair would be asked to request.

3) I agree! If we can get the committee folks involved, they'll be here and the forum will succeed.

Thanks for your input and critique. I'll work on the Consumer Awareness area today.

Makes perfect sense.

Didn't mean to overstep any bounds since I'm not the chair for all the committees I listed. Just figured it would be easiest to mention them now while you were working on them.

I'm the chair for the guidelines task force, so I can ask you to get that one set up. Once we're officially launched I'll be sure to let the other chairs know to register and ask you to set up a forum for each.
Oh no problem at all! I just want to make sure we have a procedure, to keep things organized. (and to keep the requests to a minimum by grouping them with the committee chairs approval. It will cut down on the amount of emails required to request, confirm, follow-up, etc. The chair will in effect be taking some of the work/research from us, and just giving us the list.)

I also don't want to step on toes/set something up for a committee without the leader's approval.

I'll add a new one tonight for the Guidelines task force, and will make you the moderator. The post above to Mary explains that moderators have a few extra commands. One of them is that you can assign a password to your section, although that shouldn't be necessary. Unless you expressly ask me to add someone, they won't be able to see it anyways.

I find this thread very interesting. Don't know if I fully understand how what your doing works but it does raise a question.

There has been some effort over the last year and a half to form an Ontario, Canada chapter of PPFA but the size of our province and the distance between members here has made it a slow and difficult process.

So my question is: could a private forum be set up for a chapter and be used as a way to shrink those distances and promote communication and familiarity between members.
Eric said ..."a private forum be set up for a chapter"

interesting question ... if this is possible for Canada, then it should be possible for every PPFA Chapter including MailBox (?)
The forum is a great meeting place, and will help chapters (and the full membership) communicate.

One concern about setting up private forums for each chapter is that we could become fragmented, and end up having framing discussions within smaller groups - rather than the main forums where they might benefit a larger audience. My other initial concern is the amount of work it would take to manually keep track of which user should be configured for each private forum.

Perhaps they could be public areas, or could be set up as GROUPS within the forum. Every member has the ability to make GROUPS. These are similar to the main forums, and can be set up to be PUBLIC or PRIVATE. The person who sets up the group becomes the administrator.

These are good suggestions that the FC committee will take into consideration. There's plenty to talk about, regarding the suggestion(s).

Best regards,