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Looking for a volunteer at convention

Ellen Collins MCPF

PPFA Vice President
Hagerstown, MD; you've driven by here
My "Become a 'Sew and Sew'" class is proving to be very popular. I had set the cap at 20, but there is more demand than that. I am looking for a volunteer, either someone who has signed up for the class, or someone who has no other plans, to be an extra set of hands to help the students who need a close up repetition of the skills that I am teaching.
The class is Tuesday afternoon.

I am willing to pay a batch of my fabulous chocolate chip cookies. Or other home-made baked goods, if you can't eat chocolate.

Thanks, Ellen
Thanks to the "Sewing Elf" Sue Gittlen, who has volunteered to help (and Cliff may also pop in), the class is NOT sold out - Ellen can take up to 30 - if you want one of the 7 remaining spots, move fast!

Several other PPFA 2013 classes are reaching capacity - to avoid disappointment, register for your choices ASAP at www.wcafshow.com!