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East Side Moulding

Vicki Heidorn

Active Participant
Gardner, MA
Surroundings Gallery & CF
My email order to East Side Mouldings in Millersburg PA bounced. The 800 number works, so I left a message. Of course it was late Friday so I have to wait till Monday....Anyone have any information?
It looks like their website domain expired on March 9th, and a month later it was taken by an auction company. Because of this, email would also fail. It was at eastsidemouldings dot com

While this doesn't necessarily mean that they are gone, it's probable. They also have a facebook page, but it hasn't been updated in 24 months. It points to the above domain.

The phone # comes up as (717) 692-1200. A phone call would prob be best. Google says that they are open 8-4 weekdays.

Good luck!
Thanks, Mike! I suspect since they were confessed neophytes with internet, they did not know to renew the domain. I am glad I got the voice of Fanny on the 800 number and I will call them Monday.