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The PPFA Central Texas Chapter will host the Certified Picture Framer Exam (written version) 12:30-4:30 p.m., on Saturday, September 25, at Art Incorporated.
Purchase the exam in the online store at ppfa.com at least 2 weeks ahead of time; and the free Study Guide also is available in the Online Store at ppfa.com.
Registration deadline for the exam is September 10.
The exam is $225 for members, $325 for non members.
The exam also is available to take online at your convenience. Email Certification@PPFA.com for details.
The Chapter is also offering “Images & Imagination: Substrates Beyond Paper!” on Sunday, September 26, in San Antonio, Texas.
Starting at SAPL Imaging, Fred Schiele, a corporate art communications specialist, will do a Show & Tell on substrates—wood, leather, acrylic, metal, and more—that can be used for printing, and demonstrate how a new laser cutter can bring creativity to a new level.
A box lunch will be provided at Art Incorporated, followed by a class on how to sell, mount and install these newly created works of art.
A “Meet & Greet” (pay as you go) is slated for 5 to 7 p.m., on the Saturday, at Rosario’s Mexican Restaurant.
The cost is $60 for PPFA members, $75 for non-members. Registration deadline is September 17.
For information and to register, visit www.centraltexasppfa.com. Registration will be live August 1.
Any questions, email centraltexasppfa@gmail.com or call Adela Davis at 512-787-7902 or Deborah Hill at 210-340-1091.
Purchase the exam in the online store at ppfa.com at least 2 weeks ahead of time; and the free Study Guide also is available in the Online Store at ppfa.com.
Registration deadline for the exam is September 10.
The exam is $225 for members, $325 for non members.
The exam also is available to take online at your convenience. Email Certification@PPFA.com for details.
The Chapter is also offering “Images & Imagination: Substrates Beyond Paper!” on Sunday, September 26, in San Antonio, Texas.
Starting at SAPL Imaging, Fred Schiele, a corporate art communications specialist, will do a Show & Tell on substrates—wood, leather, acrylic, metal, and more—that can be used for printing, and demonstrate how a new laser cutter can bring creativity to a new level.
A box lunch will be provided at Art Incorporated, followed by a class on how to sell, mount and install these newly created works of art.
A “Meet & Greet” (pay as you go) is slated for 5 to 7 p.m., on the Saturday, at Rosario’s Mexican Restaurant.
The cost is $60 for PPFA members, $75 for non-members. Registration deadline is September 17.
For information and to register, visit www.centraltexasppfa.com. Registration will be live August 1.
Any questions, email centraltexasppfa@gmail.com or call Adela Davis at 512-787-7902 or Deborah Hill at 210-340-1091.