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CPF Exam to be offered Sept. 25 in San Antonio, Texas

Sheila Pursglove

PPFA CONNECT editor Certification Board liaison
Forum Help Team
The PPFA Central Texas Chapter will host the Certified Picture Framer Exam (written version) 12:30-4:30 p.m., on Saturday, September 25, at Art Incorporated.

Purchase the exam in the online store at ppfa.com at least 2 weeks ahead of time; and the free Study Guide also is available in the Online Store at ppfa.com.

Registration deadline for the exam is September 10.

The exam is $225 for members, $325 for non members.

The exam also is available to take online at your convenience. Email Certification@PPFA.com for details.

The Chapter is also offering “Images & Imagination: Substrates Beyond Paper!” on Sunday, September 26, in San Antonio, Texas.

Starting at SAPL Imaging, Fred Schiele, a corporate art communications specialist, will do a Show & Tell on substrates—wood, leather, acrylic, metal, and more—that can be used for printing, and demonstrate how a new laser cutter can bring creativity to a new level.

A box lunch will be provided at Art Incorporated, followed by a class on how to sell, mount and install these newly created works of art.

A “Meet & Greet” (pay as you go) is slated for 5 to 7 p.m., on the Saturday, at Rosario’s Mexican Restaurant.

The cost is $60 for PPFA members, $75 for non-members. Registration deadline is September 17.

For information and to register, visit www.centraltexasppfa.com. Registration will be live August 1.

Any questions, email centraltexasppfa@gmail.com or call Adela Davis at 512-787-7902 or Deborah Hill at 210-340-1091.