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Congratulations to our two newest Certified Picture Framers!

Sheila Pursglove

PPFA CONNECT editor Certification Board liaison
Forum Help Team
Jana Anderson, CPF, of Piper Arts in Sioux Falls, SD, took the exam at a local library; and Adam Martin, CPF, Martin’s Gallery, Hanover, PA, took the exam at a local college testing center.

Congratulations to both of you!

It’s easy to set up the online exam; find a proctor at a place like a library or college; and contact certification@PPFA.com. I arrange the paperwork and send the exam link. The exam, $225 for PPFA members, can be purchased in the online store at PPFA.com.

We hope to see many more exam candidates, especially from the free CPF Exam Study Groups! The last one of those will start August 3, via Zoom.