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Texas framer ‘took to framing like a fish to water’

Sheila Pursglove

PPFA CONNECT editor Certification Board liaison
Forum Help Team
Read about the 40-year career of Adela Davis, MCPF, in the January edition of PPFA CONNECT!

Adela says fate played a role in her career. As she walked by a frame shop, a framer inside yelled out her name—turned out to be someone she had met at an art opening. An art major in college, Adela was looking for a job, and the shop was looking to hire.

Adela, who had worked in the building trades, was familiar with the same tools: nail guns, chop saws, measuring devices.

She was hired, took to framing like a fish to water, and has been a successful framer and business owner for four decades!

Lots more info in your monthly CONNECT! Didn't get it? Check spam, or email Info@PPFA.com and Robin will help you out. CONNECT usually goes out, via Constant Contact, on the second Tuesday of each month.

Coming up in February--a story on Valerie Millsaps, owner of Wall to Wall Frames in Cartersville, Georgia, who spent 30 years in the technology project industry before realizing her dream of opening a frame shop. Don't miss it!